Farm Share Info for August 5

published: 2008-08-05

All shares contain:- Zucchini, Summer Squash and Patti-pan Squash

“Full” shares also contain:

Veggie Notes
zucchini – We try not to give out really big zukes, with the exception of the light and dark green striped and ribbed ones. These are a variety called “Costata Romanesca” and are widely regarded to actually improve in quality as they get larger. Of course, they can quickly reach sizes over 10 pounds, and all of the squashes we put into the shares this week were positively tiny compared to that.

cucumbers – The whitish/yellowish cucumbers are an heirloom variety that originated not far from here in Livermore Falls, Maine. It’s called “Boothby’s Blond”. The spineless cucumbers are a variety called “Diva” which was developed in Albion, Maine.

cilantro – Some of you will have received a funny looking kind of cilantro with frilly, feathery leaves. It’s called “Delfino” and recently won a national award for it’s uniqueness and high quality. Aside from the leaves, it’s just the same as regular cilantro and can be used just the same.

Italian sprouting broccoli – These little tiny broccolis are delicious and very sweet when raw, especially when chilled. It grows differently than regular broccoli and has taken a little while for us to get used to, but we think we’re getting a handle on it now. Please, let us know what you think of it.

As always, we welcome your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or problems.

We hope you enjoy the share!