CSA Starts Next Week, July 7th

published: 2009-06-28

You heard it hear first. We probably could have kicked it off this week, but the share would have been a little lean and the extra week will give us a chance to hammer out a few of the remaining details. We’ll call of you shareholders this week to make sure that you know what’s up and we’ll post some details here later in the week. No guarantees just yet, but the first share may contain Italian kale, pac choi, fresh garlic and — maybe, just maybe — some strawberries.

Farm pics inside full post…

[![](http://www.failbetterfarm.com/blog/uploaded_images/IMG_4702-759798.jpg)](http://www.failbetterfarm.com/blog/uploaded_images/IMG_4702-759801.jpg)Some young celery plants.


Left to right: chard, broccoli, cauliflower ready to be covered with row cover.

Graham helping me to put on the row cover.

The hens on pasture! The henhouse is working out great and they’re supposed to start laying sometime in July.